Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

a bit of madness

well as you sure know....I love videos and I want to always like to share them... I found a nice one and a horrible one....
you know skydiving is fun, but not a very harmless fun.
this is a british 4way team...and even if you think you have infinite room in the sky its for some not enough
-like this plane pilot-
...its totally stupid of him, he knows over radio that there are skydivers in the air and he just flys like a mad kamikaze totally blind around....for the divers it was more than luck!

and I just got some more madness for you!

its name is "cutaway madness" and the title is absolutely true :D
they demonstrate some cutaways with a third extra parachute
(and you should never try this at home ^^ because you have just one left )

i hope you enjoy this vids!

29 Kommentare:

  1. now that flashed my life badly :D

  2. Gave me shivers. Hardcore bastards...

  3. when I was at PR school one of our teachers showed us the video where she broke her neck test jumping an NES-12 parachute (the kind with the ballistic spreading gun inside).

    That cutaway madness video is the first one I've seen since then that comes even close to freaking me out as much as PR1 Woooly's neck video.

  4. LOL cool videos, keep up the good work ;)

  5. Aah, holy shit. This just makes me need to try skydiving even more, haha.

  6. wow thats straight up madness, that plane was so close!

  7. I think I would shit my pants haha

  8. Yah, that pilot is kind of batshit crazy. Just saying.

  9. fantastic video dude. visit my blog

  10. that porter looks like a jump plane :) he was just giving them a friendly hello :)

  11. Holy cow! That plane could have taken out all of those people. This is just another reason why I will never skydive!

  12. Wow, that would really blow to skydive and get him by an airplane while falling. Would pretty be 1 of 2 worst case scenarios.

  13. The 2nd video is amazing! I never realized how fast people were falling before seeing that 1:13 part!

  14. I want to try this so bad someday!! But im too scared too. lol. very cool videos, loved em! Thanks!

  15. Very cool! Thanks for the videos!

  16. Went skydiving two years ago. I believe that everyone should be required to do it at least once. Incredible experience.
